Freedom Factory Inc. / 4 Peddlers Row #295 / Newark, DE 19702
(726) 842-5475
(726) 842-5475
Enables native messaging and notifications wallet addresses through a secure, encrypted and open network.
Deep in Base Network lies CopeVille, home to 8,888 Weeping Plebs on a quest for on-chain redemption.
Create pixel art on a shared canvas, showcase, and sell your work! Join CustomGridz and earn free GRIDZ.
Overtime Markets is an onchain sportsbook. Bet on your favorite teams with no limits.
Fungi is a unique, on-chain art project offering an innovative new ERC-20i format with inscription metadata.
Automated memecoin and perpetual trading. Find, filter, and trade new tokens with intent based strategies.
Connecting DeFi through composable autoLP networks. Automate, outperform and become the best LP in a single deposit.
A marketplace for on-demand upgrades for your technical agents. STEM asset trading, powered by AI and secured by Ethereum.
Long or short anything. Build a strategy and trade S&P500, JPY, oil, copper and more from your wallet.
Pull contract metadata from Kleros' community registries to provide insights for smart contract interactions.
Step into an immersive, interconnected universe where every interaction shapes your journey.
In this poultry-powered universe, chickens are the stars of a high-stakes game backed by a five billion dollar options market.
Gangs of Metacadia is a strategic PvP game where five powerful gangs fight for control.
Web3 casual cooking simulation game powered by $GRAM Ecosystem. Cook and earn $CANDY!
Towns is permissionless group chats. Create, manage and participate in digital communities called "Towns."
Easily create Nounish DAOs, fully equipped with onchain governance and membership auctions starting day one.
Moso is a Web3 shopping platform that rewards you with cryptocurrency for shopping at over 4,000 global online stores.
A groundbreaking fantasy gaming universe that boasts interconnected gameplay across the Chibi Clash library.
Step into the Arbitrum Portal and discover one of the 1000+ applications built on Arbitrum.
Smoovie Phone = $SP : Multichain Protocol: Decentralized Parlay Platform + Prediction Markets + OTC Marketplace.
Oku is a non-custodial DeFi meta-aggregator offering the best swap and bridge rates across any EVM chain.